The COVID Diaries: syndicate 5
The following interview is with an Australian-based fixed-income syndicate banker. It was conducted on 8 May 2020.
What has your working arrangement been like for the last six weeks and does your business have a timeline for returning to office working?
It feels like the timeline for a broader return to the office keeps being pushed out. The expectation at the moment is that we will have around half the office back on the floor in the next three weeks or so, but this is evolving.
Are you looking forward to returning to the office?
Has your view of the crisis and the nature of the challenges it presents changed? It seems Australia has prioritised public health over the economy, at least in the medium term. How are you thinking about that trade off?
I think health needs to come first, but there is a clear cost. If we look at the experience of how various offshore governments have handled the crisis, different approaches seem to yield mixed results. We will only really be able to draw conclusions when looking back on this. It is difficult to say there is a right and wrong approach at the moment.
“Six weeks ago, I was feeling overwhelmed and thinking the world as we know it was ending. I still have concerns over what is to come but life will continue.”
Are you more or less optimistic about the crisis than you were during the early acceleration period of moving to home working and adding social distancing measures?
Do you think Australia should accelerate the easing of restrictions?
How do you think things will be different when we get back to normal? What changes can you see to work practices, social changes and the economy?
We have been asking people what they have been reading relating to the crisis but we think everyone has seen enough by this stage. So what are your entertainment recommendations for lockdown?
The additional window of time that you have working from home makes a huge difference in how you can integrate life with work as opposed to fitting life around work. Hopefully this continues once the lockdown is over.
KangaNews is your source for the latest on the COVID-19 pandemic’s impact on Australasian debt capital markets. For complete coverage, click here.