Toyota Finance Australia

Bailment: 12% |
Australia: 100% |
CP: A$4.6BN |
About Toyota Finance Australia
Established in 1982, Toyota Finance Australia (TFA) is a leading provider of automotive finance and insurance in Australia that creates value for the Toyota group through the One Toyota value chain.
The principal activities of TFA are to finance the acquisition of motor vehicles by retail and commercial customers by way of consumer and commercial loans, to provide bailment facilities and commercial loans to motor dealers, to provide vehicle finance and fleet management services to corporate customers, to sell retail insurance policies underwritten by third-party insurers, and to provide KINTO
services for the short-term provision of vehicles (car share) to a group of registered members in Australia.
In January 2019, Australian Alliance Automotive Finance, a wholly owned subsidiary of TFA, entered a strategic alliance with Mazda Australia and has since continued to contribute to the growth of TFA’s loan book. In 2022, it was announced that AAAF has entered into a distribution agreement with Suzuki Australia and Suzuki Auto Co, the distributor of Suzuki in Queensland.
In June 2021, Toyota Australia launched its KINTO car- sharing and rental service, providing motorists with a simple and affordable way to drive the latest Toyota vehicles. TFA also supports Toyota’s environmental targets with the aim of achieving a net positive environmental impact by 2050. Globally, Toyota exceeded its sales target of 17 million electric vehicles by 35% or more compared with 2010 levels.
Funding strategy
TFA has a range of funding platforms and processes in place that provide flexibility to react to opportunities and vcolatility. These icnldue CP (domestic, euro and US) securtitisation, domestic and euro MTN programmes (issuing into Australia, Europe, the UK and Asia) bilateral bank loan funding and
Uridashi bond issuance to Japanese household investors.
TFA continues to look for new sources and types of funding as part of its diversification strategy and to keep up with changes in investor preferences. Prudent risk management is a core part of TFA’s funding strategy. TFA actively manages its funding to secure liquidity in the near term and target a sustainable maturity profile, while ensuring efficient and competitive funding by balancing cost and duration. At the same time, TFA coordinates funding market access with other key TFS subsidiaries across the globe.
TFA has access to funding at levels competitive with Toyota’s global credit curve. TFA’s bonds and CP are rated by S&P Global Ratings at A+/stable /A-1+, and by Moody’s Investors Service at A1/stable/P-1. TFA’s ratings are equalised with TMC as it is a subsidiary and benefits from CSAs.
Ownership and capital structure
TFA is a wholly owned subsidiary of Toyota Financial Services Corporation (TFSC) and TFSC is wholly owned subsidiary of Toyota Motor Corporation (TMC). In FY23, TMC had and an annual turnover of more than ¥37 trillion and consolidated vehicle sales exceeding 8.8 million units across 200 countries. TMC has more than 60 manufacturing facilities and employs more than 366,000 people. TFSC is a Japanese corporation that manages TMC’s worldwide financial services operations.
Debt securities issued by TFA have a credit support agreement (CSA) with TFSC, which has a CSA with TMC.
Domestic market activity
The Australian dollar market is TFA’s home market and remains one of its core funding options. TFA is a frequent, benchmark-size issuer in Australia. It maintains an active investor relations programme, domestically and offshore, to support its global investor base.