Government-sector issuers roundtable part two: New Zealand perspectives
The New Zealand government-sector bond market is well placed going into 2018, issuers tell KangaNews. A positive economic story and projected lower issuance from the sovereign should support a solid supply-demand dynamic – though issuers say they continue to work hard at investor engagement at home and abroad.
Craig How would New Zealand issuers sum up their experience of market conditions in 2017?
At the start of 2017, I would not have expected that by year end the New Zealand Local Government Funding Agency (LGFA) yield curve would be 60-80 basis points lower in yield and spreads would be 25 basis points tighter to swap. Spread movement gains to New Zealand government bonds (NZGBs) were maturity-dependent, with gains in front-end spreads while longer-dated spreads were unchanged.
Demand from domestic investors was more subdued over 2017 but offshore investor holdings of LGFA bonds increased to 40 per cent from 25 per cent. We benefited from the low levels of Kauri issuance and saw continued switching from NZGBs into LGFA bonds as investors sought the additional yield pick-up. Demand at our tenders was inconsistent, with bid-cover ratios below historic trend, but secondary-market activity was very strong.
Craig Issuance by the New Zealand sovereign is not expected to grow in the coming years. Do other New Zealand high-grade issuers have to find investors that aren’t being brought into a growing NZGB programme?
Regardless of the net issuance programme for NZGBs, the NZDMO maintains a structured and proactive investor-relations strategy to continue to build and diversify its investor base. The NZDMO continues to value diversity in its investor base – by investor type and location and also by term and product preferences.
The NZDMO has done a great job over the years building up a strong and diverse offshore investor base and I am sure it will continue to do so going forward. We have no concerns regarding diminished support.
The NZDMO not projecting new-issuance growth doesn’t really change anything for us. We continue to need to go offshore to look for and market to offshore investors and grow our international investor base just as we have done in the last few years.
Craig Perhaps the biggest news from the New Zealand high-grade market in 2017 was the government commitment to maintaining a minimum supply of NZGBs on issue even as the new-issuance requirement falls. How has the market responded?
The commitment to maintain NZGBs on issue was reiterated by the new government in the December 2017 budget-policy statement. The commitment by successive governments has further supported investor and intermediary confidence in the sustainability of the NZGB market and has been very positively received by NZGB market participants.
Craig How do other New Zealand issuers feel this commitment will affect the market?
Craig What is the view of the NZDMO – and other Kiwi issuers – on duration of issuance? Are there any changes to strategy around weighted-average maturity?
We extended our curve out to 2033 in the past year but are unlikely to go further than that in the near term. While the longer-dated New Zealand dollar swaps market has deepened over the past year, many of our council borrowers are restricted by their treasury policies from borrowing beyond 2033.
The potential issue we have is that we swap everything back to New Zealand dollars and a cross-currency swap beyond 20 years is difficult, so we have a hard cap at 20 years.
On the other hand, we are also conscious of our double-A rating. This means we think we should be able to access markets relatively easily, and as such we don’t want to have too long a WAM. Having at least some short-term debt in our book enables us to benefit from a lower yield cost.
Craig We have heard some dealers suggesting New Zealand could benefit from flows, out of Australian dollars in particular, if the official cash rate (OCR) starts to rise – though rate hikes are yet to emerge. What are New Zealand issuers hearing from dealers and investors about outlook for relative yields and the consequences for demand?
A broad investor base helps ensure diversity in the various motivations that investors have for participating in the NZGB market and in the timing of their participation. Our aim is to have a diversified set of investors that participate in the market at different times and with different objectives, contributing to consistent demand through time.
The NZDMO has a solid plan for investor engagement this year as activity was a little lighter around the period of the New Zealand general elections in 2017 - but this is standard practice.
Our offshore investor feedback has been that these buyers don’t have concerns relating to New Zealand and will continue to have these exposures in their portfolios. In fact, we experienced continued accumulation by offshore investors throughout the New Zealand election period at the end of 2017. Admittedly our investor base is predominantly long-term, real-money accounts that have held New Zealand dollars for many years.
Our domestic investor feedback is that – relative to other New Zealand issuers – the larger size of our maturities, our relative liquidity and the ability to take curve trades in LGFA bonds will ensure we remain attractive for the ever-growing KiwiSaver portfolios.
We have observed strong demand from true retail investors further down the credit spectrum, particularly at the triple-B level and for issuance of between four and seven years. We expect this bid to grow if interest rates increase.