The publication of the 2023 Fitch Ratings-KangaNews Fixed Income Investor Sentiment Survey marks the 10th anniversary of this unique insight into the thinking of the Australian buy side. With a decade of data history now available, KangaNews has reviewed outcomes from across the years to identify trends and preferences that only emerge over time.
Australasian primary market activity diversified in the week ending 12 May. Most new issuance continued to come from financial institutions, complemented by continued Kangaroo supply, but corporates also started to have a run: Auckland Airport and Toyota Finance New Zealand completed New Zealand dollar deals while, in Australia, TransGrid, AusNet and Australia Post announced mandates for forthcoming trades.
Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank says its new theme bond – which it debuted in the Australian market on 10 May – highlights its commitment to financing climate-resilient infrastructure. The bank issued a A$500 million (US$335.3 million) Climate Adaptation Bond, which is also the first theme bond under its Sustainable Development Bond Framework.
National Australia Bank set a new record in its domestic market on 4 May with a A$5.25 billion senior-unsecured deal. The issuer says the transaction – the largest-ever Australian dollar deal by a bank – demonstrates a scale, and quality, of demand that likely represents a degree of system growth.