Deal sources say New South Wales Treasury Corporation’s latest use-of-proceeds sustainability bond found solid interest from offshore Asia investors despite elevated interest rate volatility. The issuer also confirms its commitment to remaining active through all types of market conditions.
The Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA) has embarked on an asset purchasing programme as part of its regular open market operations in support of monetary policy goals. KangaNews will provide subscribers with easy access to asset purchase data, which will be updated as the RBA makes information publicly available.
Like the Australian corporate debt market as a whole, the local sustainable debt space has progressed in leaps and bounds over recent years but still has a mountain to climb. The emergence of sustainability-linked instruments has opened the sustainable-debt door to a new range of borrowers, while investors are increasingly integrating sustainability principles in their credit processes. Participants at a roundtable convened by KangaNews and Westpac Institutional Bank in November discuss their sustainability journeys and how they are preparing for the climb ahead.
Having celebrated his 30th anniversary with Westpac Banking Corporation in 2021, chief economist Bill Evans is in a unique position to view the challenges facing markets and economies thanks to his deep understanding of how they have responded to comparable events in the past. Evans speaks to KangaNews about the economic outlook, the wealth trade-off between wage earners and asset owners, the risk of deglobalisation and how sustainability is factoring in to his forecasting.